Do Over…

IMG_0989Ok…here I go again…

I’ve rebooted this blog so many times.  (One attempt was this post.)  I started Jon Acuff’s  latest book, “Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck ” the other day.  I went all in…pre-ordered…received the free e-books, the Do Over sticker, and the signed book plate.  It was going to happen.  And then…

I had to actually write something.  Something people would actually see.  Yeah…I know.  It seemed a little pretentious to me too. That’s why 10 days into my “10 Day Do Over Challenge”, I’m ironically stuck on day 3: Reach Out. The task was to send a quick email to someone asking them to check in with me in 10 days to see how my “do over” was coming.  I sent that little note to my nephew and proceeded to NOT proceed.  I got my nephew’s check-in email yesterday.  He did his part!  But Uncle Mike is still floundering.

I last posted in this blog over a year ago.  The post was about my second Facebook Fast for Lent 2014.  That fast actually only lasted a matter of days.  However, my undeclared “fast” from writing in my blog was fabulously successful.  What developed during ensuing months was a fear of writing my thoughts down anywhere someone could actually read them.  I’ve filled a notebook or so with words.  But I wasn’t going to be posting anything.

But, Jared has held me accountable.  I’m going to start posting again.  I’m not sure yet what I’ll be writing about.  The writing muscle has atrophied a bit…sort of noodle like.  And, confidence, that most effective of motivators, its pretty much gone as well.  Limp writing muscles and empty confidence tank…not the best way to start a “do over.”  But…I posted the damn picture Acuff instructed me to post in his damn “Do Over Book”.  I’m about to click the pretentious little “publish” button at the bottom of this page.  (My blog muscle is sore but there are some fumes in the confidence tank.  We’ll see how this goes.)

2 thoughts on “Do Over…

  1. You share thoughts and ideas with me then months or even years later you find them written in someone else’s book. Write your own book already!

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